Monday, June 30, 2008

Fitness And Contraception After Pregnancy

After pregnancy, reducing the weight gained is a time consuming process. Even though childbirth is a pleasurable experience, it is traumatic for both the mother and the baby. Hence, rapid weight loss after pregnancy can cause adverse effects. Due to vigorous exercises after pregnancy, prolapse might also occur. Prolapse is a condition, which occurs due to weak pelvic floor muscles.

Mild And Simple Exercises Recommended

Hence, immediately after delivery, vigorous and sustained exercises must not be undertaken. Only gentle exercise is recommended. A physician's advice for dieting and fitness programs should be undertaken. Your physician will also tell you that only after 2 or 3 months of delivery, when the periods resume to normalcy, should exercises and dieting be undertaken. Exercises such as sit-ups, "bicycling," or "scissors" should definitely be avoided immediate after pregnancy.

Breast Feeding And Weight Loss

Breastfeeding is a kind of birth control, provided certain criteria are met. Like a balanced diet is necessary for the quality and quantity of breast milk without depleting the mother's requirements. Three or more servings of milk products and Vitamin A should be taken daily. Contrary to popular myth, physical exercises do not interfere with breast-feeding.

Healthy Eating And Post Delivery Recovery

The body needs at least six months to recoup after pregnancy. Healthy food is necessary for first three months after pregnancy rather than dieting. Intake of folic acid, calcium, and iron is essential after delivery. Also post delivery caffeine is not harmful when taken in limited amounts. However, exhaustion caused by delivery, and night feeds require more focus than worrying about weight loss.

FAQs About Contraception And Intercourse After Pregnancy

Here are some facts that will help you decide the right contraception for yourself after pregnancy

Q: When does resumption of menstrual period takes place after delivery?

A: Usually, the first period occurs after two months of childbirth, but it is also dependent on breast-feeding. Some women resume menstrual cycle only after weaning the baby from breast-feeding. By breast-feeding, the brain suppresses the ovulating hormone due to sucking. If breast-feeding is sought as a mode of contraception, round the clock feeding is necessary, as the intensity and frequency of sucking determines the hormone suppression.

Q: What is the best waiting time for intercourse and contraception after delivery and which types of contraceptives are recommended after delivery?

A: Though women are not inclined towards intercourse immediately after delivery, contraceptives are still advised. Contraceptives are essential after delivery, incase of immediate intercourse, since at that time ovulation cannot be predicted. However, intercourse within first six weeks after delivery is not recommended. Immediately after delivery, barrier contraceptives such as Progesterone mini-pill is the only contraceptive pill, which does not contraindicate with breast-feeding, and injectable contraceptives like Depo-Provera are advised. Incase of diaphragm, it has to be replaced, and IUDs needs to be placed only when uterus is completely healed.

Many women presume that breast feeding is an adequate measure for contraception as well as natural weight loss after pregnancy. However, after pregnancy, you need to see your doctor for the right advice concerning fitness and contraception after delivery. For more information visit pregnancy week by week.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Autoimmune Progesterone Eczema Related To Menstrual Cycles

Because some types of eczema are triggered by a woman's menstrual cycle, progesterone is sometimes part of the treatment plan. Many women complain of worsening acne and water retention during the menstrual cycle, but a few actually have autoimmune progesterone dermatitis (APD) a condition in which the menstrual cycle is associated with an number of skin conditions such as urticaria, eczema and others.

In affected women, the flare-ups typically occur three to ten days prior to the menstrual flow and they generally resolve two days after menstruation begins. Women with irregular menses may not have a correlation that is this clear and that can make autoimmune progesterone eczema more difficult to diagnose.

Because of the association between the menstrual cycle and eczema, progesterone creams and supplements are often used to treat the condition. Most women prefer to use supplements and creams that contain natural forms of progesterone. The amount and type of progesterone may vary from woman to woman. The regimen is closely associated with a woman's monthly hormonal changes.

In addition to hormonal changes, food allergies can play a big role in eczema. Women who suffer from autoimmune progesterone eczema should be very aware of foods that aggravate their condition and avoid those foods altogether two weeks before menstrual flow begins.

Women who suffer from this skin condition should be extremely diligent about keeping the skin moisturized, especially in the week preceding their period. Frequent moisturizing locks in the skin's own moisture to prevent dryness and cracking. One of the best ways to lock in moisture is to apply moisturizers immediately after bathing. It is also important to avoid irritating the skin by using harsh soaps or body sponges.

Irritants that can aggravate eczema include soaps, bubble baths, perfumes, cosmetic, laundry detergents, household cleaners and certain types of jewelry. Avoid personal care products that contain alcohol. Wash clothes only in hypoallergenic detergents and send them through the rinse cycle twice. Women with autoimmune progesterone eczema should wear clothes made from 100 percent cotton with no synthetic fibers. Bed linens should also be made from 100 percent cotton.

Women who are taking estrogen supplements for menopause symptoms should talk with their physicians before using natural or synthetic progesterone. Progesterone creams may increase the sensitivity of your skin to estrogen receptors. If you are taking progestin, such as Provera, you should stop using it immediately when you begin using progesterone cream. Many types of hormone replacement therapy, especially prescription strength medications, may interact adversely with progesterone.

A qualified holistic practitioner can help you decide if progesterone is the best method for treating your eczema. Autoimmune progesterone eczema has been treated successfully with natural products for many years.

Learn more about atopic treatment for eczema on our site. You'll also find other information such as causes of eczema and different types of eczema is a comprehensive resource to inform individuals suffering from ezcema about symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Natural Hormone Supplement - What Is It and Why Use It?

A natural hormone supplement is a hormone that is identical to what occurs naturally in the body. Most prescription drugs are not the same as a natural hormone supplement. Why?

In the USA since the late 1800's, U.S. laws allow medicines to be patented only if they are not naturally occurring substances. If a drug company discovers a natural substance that can be used medically, anyone else can also use/make/sell that substance. So for business purposes, what happens is that the pharmaceutical companies create synthetic hormones that are intentionally different from a natural hormone supplement. Examples are Premarin, Prempro and Provera -- these synthetic drugs are different in their molecular structure from the estrogens and progesterone found in the human body.

And the problem with synthetic drugs is -- since they are different from what occurs naturally in the human body, the body treats them differently and the result is often harmful side effects. Studies such as the Women's Health Initiative have concluded that synthetic hormone replacement therapy risks may exceed the benefits! For example, one of the studies conducted by the WHI was for women on synthetic HRT using Prempro, which is a synthetic estrogen plus progestin combination. The study found there was a 41% increase in the incidence of strokes, a 100% increase in the rate of blood clots and for women over 65, a 100% increase in the rate of Alzheimer's disease.

For women, a natural hormone supplement program will use natural natural progesterone and/or natural estrogen. Both hormones are crucial for good health in women. In a normal menstrual cycle, estrogen is the hormone produced for the first 10-12 days of the cycle. Ovulation signals the body to produce progesterone that continues for the next 12 days or so. If there's no pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone levels drop at about day 28 and menstruation begins. However, if there is no ovulation, progesterone is not produced that cycle. This happens frequently today for women in their thirties and forties -- no ovulation and no progesterone, likely resulting in symptoms of hormone imbalance.

If the woman has had a hysterectomy, surgical menopause means the body produces little or no progesterone, creating hormone imbalance. And in postmenopausal women, the production of progesterone ceases as ovulation no longer occurs. However, even after menopause, estrogen production will still be 40 to 60 percent of what it once was.

For men, natural hormone supplement therapy uses natural Testosterone, not one of the synthetic Testosterone drugs. Testosterone replacement therapy requires the supervision of a physician in the USA.

Using a safer natural hormone supplement such as natural progesterone or natural estrogen is recommended by numerous physicians since these hormones are identical to what occurs in the body, having few or no side effects like the synthetic drugs have. There are reliable online sources of natural hormones. Learn as much as you can about when to use natural hormone supplements to help stay strong, energized, healthy and free from the many symptoms associated with growing old prematurely.

Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

Find information and reliable sources of natural progesterone and estrogen natural hormone supplements for women and low testosterone information for men. David Buster is VP of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of - a website of natural health articles and resources.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Why Choose Bio-identical Hormones Over Traditional Hormones?

Any woman interested in bio-identical hormones should know the difference between natural hormones (bhrt) and synthetic hormones (hrt). Bio-identical hormones are derived from yams or soy and are the chemical replicates of the exact hormone found in the human body. Synthetic hormones such as Premarin and Provera are drugs made and patented by drug companies. Some of these hormones are derived from pregnant horses urine. The chemicals used are similar to our hormones but have been changed slightly in order to be patented.

Bio-identicals cannot be patented because the drugs have been available for over 15 years. Since bio-identicals can't be patented there is no way for the drug companies to make large amounts of money on them.

Many drug studies have been preformed on synthetic hormones.

The Women's Health Initiative study (WHI) was preformed in 2002 and was stopped early because of the findings. The study involved thousands of women from multiple sites all over the country. The research was done on diet, exercise, calcium supplements, and synthetic hormones. The results were that these drugs should not be given to prevent heart disease, strokes, venous thrombosis, or breast cancer. The findings showed they may increase a woman's risk of developing these problems over time.

The problem with most studies is that the drug companies are funding the study. Therefore, if bio-identicals can't be patented, then the drug companies are not going to spend money on a study.

If you research bio-identical hormones, you can find drug studies on them.

Breast cancer and BHRT

Androgens and Mammary growth and neoplasia

Antiestrogen action of progesterone in breast tissue

Cancer and Hormonal balance

Epidemiology of breast cancer

Hormones in the etiology and prevention of breast and endometrial cancer

This is only 5 examples of the hundreds of studies found on Dr. Rebecca Glaser's website, Dr. Rebecca Glaser also has studies on other topics (not just breast cancer) such as cortisol, estriol, dosage delivery, Testosterone and progesterone to name a few.

My belief is that bio-identical hormones bring the menopausal or pre-menopausal woman back to the hormone levels found in a youthful woman. By doing this, the drugs have shown an improvement in heart health, skin, hair, and memory.

Two other benefits are they slightly lower cholesterol and they will keep bone density from decreasing further. Other than relief from the normal menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, etc.) I believe bio-identical hormones can also help with heart, bones, memory and cholesterol. I do not think they will decrease the risk of breast cancer, but taken in the correct dosage amount I think they do not increase the risk of cancer.

In other words, if you are on the correct strengths of hormones there will be no increase or decrease in cancer risk.

BHRT can be a much safer alternative for menopause symptoms treatment. For more information on bio-identical hormones, visit

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pilates, Exercise, and Osteoporosis (Part 1)

I. The Problem of Osteoporosis

An osteoporosis web site opens with this question, "Did you know that a woman's risk of osteo-related fracture is greater than her risk of cervical, uterine, and breast cancer combined?" Then why do people laugh when I tell them that I'm scheduled for a baseline DEXA Scan next week at the age of 38? "Why do you need one, you're so young?" "But you exercise and eat well, why worry?" And my personal favorite, "You are so body aware, wouldn't you know if you had a problem?" Even with all the media discussion about osteoporosis and the fact that one in two women over the age of 50 will experience an osteoporosis related spinal fracture people still don't take the problem to heart.

In fact, I can check off twelve possible risk factors for osteoporosis:

1) I am caucasian.

2) I am Female.

3) I suffered from severe endometriosis.

4) I was treated for the latter with GnRH inhibitors and Depo-Provera, both proven to cause bone loss.

5) I did not have a menstrual cycle for over 18 months during said treatment.

6) I over-exercised as a teenager.

7) I ate too little as a teenager.

8) I entered menopause at age 27 after a hysterectomy with removal of both ovaries.

9) I never gave birth.

10) I have a small frame.

11) I smoked for approximately 10 years.

12) I am adopted and do not know my family medical history.

Not only am I at high risk for osteoporosis, I do a lot of Pilates (at least 2-5 sessions per week) in addition to teaching and teacher training. And there are a lot of Pilates exercises that I will need to stop doing or radically modify if my bones are weak.

The issue of osteoporosis comes up a lot at my Pilates studio. My clients are mostly caucasian women over 50, many of whom are breast cancer survivors. On the whole, these beautiful active women all look pretty healthy. They have decent posture, play tennis and golf, walk a lot, and really try to eat well. They have access to the best doctors, the latest medical treatments, and the most cutting edge gyms, personal trainers, and Pilates studios. Even so, most of them have low bone density--osteopenia and osteoporosis (more on the difference in a minute) and the majority move on a daily basis in ways that put them at greater risk of fracture--EVEN THOSE WHO HAVE GONE TO CERTIFIED PILATES TEACHERS AND PERSONAL TRAINERS. It is important that you educated yourself about osteoporosis so that you will know what to do and not do for yourselves and those you care about.

Lynda Lippin, "The Pilates & Reiki Lady" of the Turks & Caicos islands.Visit for more information, links, and Lynda's Store.

Read Lynda's blogs: for chronicles of expat life in the Caribbean for more on Pilates & Reiki.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let's Talk About Hormones - What Every Woman Needs To Know

I have recently observed a number of women friends and acquaintances, who have had their HRT therapy - a combination of the pharmaceutical drugs Premarin (pregnant mares urine) and Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) - discontinued by their physicians. Suddenly, women ranging from their 50's to late 70's are suffering from hot flashes, vaginal dryness, weight gain, fatigue and worse.

Another group are told not to worry about HRT as long as they only use it for three to four years. This confusing position has resulted from the information published in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study on HRT published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, (JAMA), July 17, 2002, Vol. 288, No. 3. For women who think that the risk factors that have shown up in the WHI-HRT study are new, I would encourage them to locate a women's magazine that dates prior to July 2002 and have a look at the back of the Premarin and PremPro ads that were often found in those magazines. Be aware that the print is very small. The topic "Dangers of Estrogen" is very prominent as is the topic "Side Effects".

The WHI-HRT study just validates that those dangers and side effects are real and actually effect women, women who are our friends and our relatives. In revisiting the WHI Study at a few interesting things came to light. The WHI study recruited 16,608 healthy women to participate in the study of Premarin and Provera. Forty-two percent (42%) on HRT and thirty-eight percent (38%) on the placebo group left the study before the end of 5 years! Those in the HRT group left because of side effects according to the study.

Others left at the two and one-half mark when a letter was sent to them encouraging them to stay in the study even though the results showed an increase in blood clots, stroke and heart disease at that point. Many believe that the results would have been much worse had these women continued in the study. "An incredible forty-two percent of those healthy women chosen to participate in the WHI fell out of the study in the first couple of years because they didn't like the side effects of the drugs. If all those women had continued, or if they hadn't limited the study to healthy women, there would have been a much higher rate of all adverse events (breast cancer, heart attacks, thromboembolism blood clots).... says Dr. David Zava, PhD., breast cancer researcher.

The JAMA call it a "large randomized trial". It could also be considered a well-controlled study of healthy women of our day. WHY? - because only healthy women were allowed into the study. They controlled the number of women who were over weight - the average body mass index being 28.5. They did not accept a representative number of women who had been treated for diabetes, women that had or were using hormones, women who had given birth during the higher risk years - before twenty or after thirty, women who had heart problems or a history of any heart problems. They even controlled the number of women who had relatives who had breast cancer. Remember, we are talking about women between the ages of 50 and 79 who participated in the study, not 35 to 40 year old women! How many women in that age group do you know who would qualify for this study? In fact this study represents less than twenty percent of the population.

According to Dr. David Zava " you can't extrapolate study results from a population of healthy women to the entire population. The results are actually much worse than they appear to be because of the selection bias. The downplaying of the risk of using HRT is a travesty. The late John R. Lee MD and author of "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer" suggested that it has become "unethical" for doctors to prescribe HRT to women. To suggest as some do to use HRT for only two or three years seems ridiculous in light of the fact that the study was only a five-year study. The study clearly shows that heart attacks, strokes and blood clots affecting women began from day one of the study and continued though out the study. That would mean that the risks would always be present for anyone who goes on short term HRT. While it is tempting to say that this is all the healthcare system's problem or that it is the fault of the profit driven pharmaceutical companies, the solution may lay closer to home.

It appears that we are being told what we are eager to hear and only being sold what we are eager to buy. A pill to solve our hot flashes, make us beautiful as we age and prevent our diseases all without effort on our part. We want shortcuts and we want them now! The WHI-HRT study was a good thing, maybe even a great thing. What it truly told us is that a large percentage of healthy women who use drug therapies to deal with hormone challenges will get sick...breast cancer, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots in their lungs just to name a few. Women who are not healthy... should not go near HRT because of the potential for life threatening drug induced disease.

The good news for women who decide to discontinue traditional (synthetic) hormone replacement therapy is that there are a number of safe, effective and natural alternatives to choose from. It is critical that women become informed and take control of their own hormone health. The decision is up to us and it may be the most important decision we will ever make!

This Article Is Copywright 2006 Jackie L. Harvey & Saliva Testing com

Jackie Harvey is an International speaker, radio program host, seminar leader, business trainer, and a mother of seven. She works in partnership with nurses, medical doctors and health care practitioners.

Jackie is a men & women's health advocate specializing in hormonal and menopausal health. Thousands of men & women have watched her informative DVD "Let's Talk About Hormones". Jackie is committed to making a positive change in peoples lives.

Visit for more information Saliva Hormone Tests Kits & her Best Selling 1-hour DVD "Let's Talk About Hormones with Jackie Harvey". Click For More information on Men's & Women's Saliva Hormone Testing and Saliva Test Kits.

Progesterone is Critical During Menopause, Find out Why

Do women going through menopause have lowered levels of progesterone?

Recent research tells us that women do suffer from decreased levels of progesterone and also experience other symptoms such as unexplained weight gain (particularly in the stomach area), depression, fatigue, hair loss, memory loss, mood swings, migraines and loss of libido. A natural cream can balance estrogens without side effects.

Progesterone and estrogen are the two main hormones made by women's ovaries when they are menstruating. Smaller amounts of these hormones are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It's necessary for the survival of the fertilized ovum, its embryo as well as the fetus during gestation.

Progesterone's primary functions include: acting as a precursor to estrogen and Testosterone; it maintains uterine lining and aids in gestation; protects against fibrocystic breasts, endometrial and breast cancer; acts as a natural diuretic, helps use fat for energy; can be a natural antidepressant; aids thyroid hormone action; normalizes blood clotting; restores sex drive; normalizes blood sugar, zinc and copper levels; restores proper cell oxygen levels, has a thermogenic effect; builds bone and helps to protects against osteoporosis.

Some doctors feel that menopausal symptoms, osteoporosis and heart disease may not be due to a deficiency of estrogen, but to a relative estrogen excess due to progesterone deficiency.

Synthetic progestins, such as an HRT drug called Provera (a synthetic chemical), do not have the same biological effects as natural progesterone and have been known to cause side effects including: fluid retention, depression, breast tenderness, stroke, jaundice, blood clotting, and cervical erosions.

On the other hand, natural progesterone has no known side effects and has been found to be helpful in alleviating symptoms such as PMS and hot flashes. It has also been credited with helping to prevent osteoporosis.

Many doctors now prescribe for women in menopause the use of a low-dose, natural progesterone cream during the last two weeks of the menstrual cycle. The cream is easily absorbed into thin-skin areas such as the breasts, inner arms, neck or belly by the subcutaneous fat and then released into the bloodstream. You should be careful of the dosage level in these products. Some may have none to very little and others provide 20-30 mg in an average application. It's always best to first check with a doctor.

To learn exactly how to eliminate menopause symptoms visit
To learn more about progesterone and everything you need to know about other menopause symptoms, go to

Monday, June 23, 2008

Bioidentical Hormones - The Truth About Usng Them During Menopause

Can menopause symptoms be safely comforted with bioidentical hormones? Recent research suggests that menopause can be treated with bioidentical hormones, a natural replacement for a woman's body, with no reported side effects.

In the past, menopause has been treated like a disease - primarily with Hormone Replacement Therapy or HRT (including Premarin, which is made from pregnant mare's urine, Prempro and Provera), which meant ingesting synthetic chemicals on a regular basis. Now we know that these drugs are causing the very problems we're trying to avoid including breast cancer and heart attacks.

Bioidentical means the hormone molecule in the product, for example progesterone cream, acts exactly like the molecules produced by the Female body. They function in your body in a natural and normal way unlike synthetic chemicals. A "natural hormone" is really a compound synthesized in the lab from a natural source (such as soybeans used for estrogens and Testosterone; or wild Mexican yam in the case of progesterone and sometimes Testosterone).

Synthetic hormones are typically only available in oral form, but bioidentical hormones come in a variety of delivery systems such as oral, transdermal patch, cream, lotion or sublingual drops. Bioidentical hormones recently caught mainstream attention in part because of Suzanne Somer's new book, The Sexy Years

Typically a successful approach to dealing with a woman's menopausal symptoms is to begin with laboratory tests of hormone levels called a "hormone panel." The doctor can then prescribe a precise dosage of bioidentical estrogens, Testosterone or DHEA that can be made for you at a Compounding Pharmacy This is contrary to HRT treatments that are typically "one size fits all."

Most doctors prescribing bioidentical hormones find that a large percentage of women find some relief by using medical-grade supplements, over-the-counter bioidentical progesterone, and dietary and lifestyle changes (including the proper nutrition and exercise). And, for the percentage of women who need a little more help, most doctors don't support the idea that bioidentical hormones should be used indefinitely as some kind of fountain of youth.

Is it right for you to treat your menopause with bioidentical hormones? First you need to consult with a doctor to get the right answer for you. Once you know what you need, your doctor and you can work out the best alternative for your body.

To learn exactly how to eliminate menopause symptoms visit
To learn more about bioidentical hormones and everything you need to know about other menopause symptoms, go to

Sunday, June 22, 2008

"The Pill" and Hair Loss

Since the birth control pill was approval by the FDA in 1960, it has become one of the most popular forms of contraceptive used today. Millions of women are prescribed the Pill each year in North America, but very few are aware that oral contraceptives are a common trigger of hair loss.

The way the Pill works is by suppressing ovulation and mimicking pregnancy. Women who are predisposed to hormone-related hair loss are prone to thinning after starting on a birth control pill.

As well, women who are sensitive to hormone changes can actually experience hair loss if they stop using a birth control pill.

Physicians recognize that for the most part oral contraceptives are a safe and effective form of birth control. They also recognize that birth control pills have been clinically proven to have other health benefits for some women who use them. It is important, however, to warn Females about the potential risk of hair loss with this form of contraceptive.

Women interested in taking a birth control pill, but wishing to minimize the risk of hair loss, should consider the following low-Testosterone pills. Birth control pills with the least androgenic activity include: Norgestimate (in Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen), Norethindrone (in Ovcon 35), Desogestrel (in Mircette), or Ethynodiol Diacetate (in Demulen, Zovia). If there is a strong predisposition for genetic hair loss in your family, I recommend the use of another non-hormonal form of birth control. The birth control pills listed below have a significant risk for causing or accelerating hair loss.

Progestin implants, such as Norplant, are small rods implanted surgically beneath the skin, usually on the upper arm. The rods release a continuous dose of progestin to prevent ovulation.

Hormone injections of progestin, such as Depo-Provera, are given into the muscles of the upper arm or buttocks. This injection prevents ovulation.

The skin patch (Ortho Evra) is placed on your shoulder, buttocks, or other location. It continually releases progestin and estrogen.

The vaginal ring (NuvaRing) is a flexible ring about two inches in diameter inserted into the vagina. It releases progestin and estrogen.

Dr. Robert Jones is a hair transplant surgeon just west of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. His practice is restricted to full time hair restoration surgery. He is president of the International Society of follicular Unit Surgeons, a member of the Internation Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons, and Board Certified by the American Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons. For pictures showing the progress of his transplant please go to his site at Dr. Jones has just completed a book "Dr. Robert Jones's complete Hair Loss Guide" with his son, which can be ordered through his site in January of 2007.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

HRT or Hormone Replacement Therapy vs Bio-Identical Hormones

The backlash from the 2005 Women's Health Initiative (WHI) report exposing HRT as being a possible cause for heart attacks, blood clots, cancer and strokes won't quiet down anytime soon. Actually it's amazing that it took this massive government program to change the standard of care because there has been a mountain of evidence indicting synthetic HRT for a long time now. A lot of women now want to know what the alternatives are to HRT and that has instigated a lot of discussion about bio-identical hormones.

What's the difference between Bio-identical and Synthetic Hormones?

Synthetic hormones are created by drug companies so they can maintain a patent for drugs such as PremPro, Provera and Premarin. Known side effects include not sleeping, lack of sex drive and lack of energy. In the past, hormone replacement therapy has been most doctors' only answer to women's menopausal symptoms.

Bio-identical hormones are manufactured to have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body. They are synthesized in a lab from a natural source such as soybeans in the case of estrogen and Testosterone, or wild Mexican yam in the case of progesterone.

Their appeal is that the body can more easily metabolize them, minimizing negative side effects, and in fact, women have reported feeling increased levels of energy, a healthier libido, improved weight loss and better memory from their use.

While synthetic hormones are available in oral form, bio-identical hormones can be taken by mouth, through a Transdermal patch, in a cream, lotion, in drops you put under your tongue, or as a vaginal ring. They bypass the digestive tract and liver which has the advantage of providing a more consistent hormonal level.

Numerous European medical studies suggest that bio-identical hormones are safer than synthetic; however no long-term studies have been conducted as yet. Keep in mind that the WHI studies ublished all concern synthetic HRT, specifically Premarin (a drug derived from horse urine), PremPro and Provera and did not include any information on bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

Also, women in the WHI studies were primarily on HRT after menopause, which is most often therapeutically not necessary, and many of the women had had hysterectomies. The most common use for any kind of HRT is for per-menopausal symptoms -- when a woman first begins to experience body fluctuations.

Most integrative doctors have discovered the most successful approach to dealing with a woman's menopausal symptoms is to begin with laboratory tests called a "hormone panel." Saliva testing is also available but not known to be as effective as serum testing. The doctor can then prescribe a precise dosage of bio-identical estrogens, Testosterone, progesterone or DHEA that can be made specifically for your body at a compounding pharmacy. To find a doctor and/or compounding pharmacy near you, visit

Some women report experiencing no symptoms at all during peri-menopause and many find they can rebalance their hormones without the use of any drugs. Often relief is found through an approach that combines medical-grade nutritional supplements, over-the-counter bio-identical progesterone, and dietary and lifestyle changes. The importance of exercise can't be overlooked or emphasized too much. The older you get, the more your body needs to move aerobically, and a weight-bearing workout also becomes more important.

For women switching from Premarin or PremPro to a natural form of

estrogen, there should be a transition period because the estrogen receptors have been primed by the synthetic molecule and won't immediately accept other forms. It's probably not a good idea to stop cold turkey either, but better to gradually discontinue taking HRT so that the symptoms such as hot flashes or vaginal dryness, don't occur. Make sure to consult your doctor if you decide to go this route.

To learn exactly how to eliminate menopause symptoms visit

To learn more about HRT, bioidentical hormones and everything you need to know about other menopause symptoms, go to

Friday, June 20, 2008

Side Effects vs. Benefits of Treatments for Women with Endometriosis

There are some effective treatments for endometriosis that are available to women who suffer from the ailment. There are medications, therapies and procedures that have had much success in alleviating the symptoms of pain and inflammation. However, with these medications, therapies and procedures come some side effects. Some of these side effects are mild and hardly noticeable while others are downright painful. There may come a time when you have to decide if the benefit of the medication, therapy or procedure is worth the side effects that it produces. You may even have to end a treatment because the side effects simply outweigh the benefits that you may gain.

Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills such as Ortho Novum may relieve the endometriosis symptoms in some women, but in others it can cause side effects that range from a nuisance to absolutely horrid. Weight gain, depression, nausea, breast tenderness, high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke, and a myriad of other side effects accompany birth control pills. Additionally, no one really knows just what effects long term ingestion of synthetic hormones may have of the human body.

Depro Provera

This shot is becoming the drug of choice for treating endometriosis. Many women are reporting great success in lesser pain and bleeding that is not as heavy. However, 70% of women who use Depro Provera gain weight of anywhere from 5 to 10 pounds or even more. Other side effects include irregular or heavy bleeding, no bleeding at all and even bleeding constantly for weeks at a time. Other side effects include headaches, anxiety, changes in mood, hot flashes, bloating, cramps, decreased interest in sex, breast tenderness, acne, back ache and even hair loss.

Lupron Depot

This is a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist that is used to decrease the body's production of certain hormones. Side effects of this treatment may include bone density loss, hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood changes, headaches and decreased interest in sex. Some women may have a very light period or they may spot, but after the second month, most women report a complete absence of their period. This is another popular treatment that many women are claiming completely relieved them of their symptoms.

Synarel Nasal Spray

This is another gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist and it is used very commonly in the treatment of endometriosis. It has many of the same side effects as Lupron, including muscle pain, change in weight, insomnia, blood pressure change and other issues. However, many women have found this treatment to be quite effective.

Operative Laparoscopy

This is a procedure that involves actually going into the abdominal cavity and lasering and cutting endometrial growths. It is not completely invasive because the doctor only makes a couple of tiny incisions in the abdomen so that the tools can enter the body. The abdomen is inflated with gas so that the doctor has room to work, but the recovery is usually 2 or 3 days. There is some discomfort such as pressure from the gas that was used to inflate the abdomen and that region may be sore, but it doesn't usually last long.


This is the most radical treatment for endometriosis, but for some women it is their last hope. It involves removing the uterus and sometimes the ovaries as well. In some women, the treatment can be done with laparoscopic incisions and removal of the organs through the vagina. This is favored by most women because it has a shorter recovery time of about 2 weeks compared to the 5 week recovery for the hysterectomy conducted through an abdominal incision. There is soreness and there may be mood changes, hot flashes and vaginal dryness for as long as 12 to 18 months if the woman's body is lacking estrogen.

All of these treatments are effective for some women and ineffective for others. One woman's shining savior may be another woman's nightmare. The only thing that you can do is discuss with your doctor your various options and decide on a course of action together. Always know, though, if a treatment is not working, or the side effects are just too much and outweigh the benefits, it is OK to tell your doctor that you want to go off of the treatment. After all, it is your body.

Don't live in pain and frustration any longer. Endometriosis is a condition that you don't have to experience on a daily basis. At , you'll find quality information and proven treatment for dealing with painful endometriosis symptoms and finding relief. Visit now!

Horrors of Depo-Provera / Norplant

Depo-Provera (depot medroxyprogesterone acetate) is a birth control method given in the form of an injection in either the arm or the rear or possibly both. It last up to three months and is about ninety six percent effective. It's made from prostegin which is a synthetic version of the body's natural progesterone, which would make the injections very unnatural to your body. Here are some common symptoms associated with this birth control method:

  • Weight gain

  • Depression

  • Bloating

  • Migraines

  • Swollen breasts

  • Reduced sex drive

  • Hair loss

  • Dizziness

  • Terrible acne

  • Irregular bleeding

  • Hot flashes

  • Leg cramps

  • nausea

  • Vaginal discharge

There have also been many horrifying testimonials of side effects by women that have received these injections. One confronted her doctor about her sickness and the doctor said that it couldn't be coming from the injections. The woman said that her doctor took $8,000 dollars from her by treating her sickness and the sad part was that she was misdiagnosed with the wrong symptom. I'm not saying that all doctors are bad, but you should feel that you have a close relationship with your doctor and that he or she is out there for your well being rather than making money.


This is a long lasting contraceptive which can last up to five years and is about 99 percent effective. These are inserted into the arm surgically and contain the synthetic hormone progestin to block fertilization

Side effects:

  • Weight gain

  • Tender Breasts

  • Breast Discharge

  • Disrupted Menstrual cycles

  • Hair loss

  • Dizziness

  • Acne

  • Enlarged ovaries

  • Violent headaches/migraines

Doug Purcell
Certified Personal Trainer
Alternative Medicine Expert
Owner of

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Some Facts About Wild Yam Cream and Progesterone

Wild Yam Cream has be advertised as a treatment for menopause, hot flashes, night sweats, PMS, migraine headaches, mood swings, fertility, larger breasts, heart disease, and osteoporosis. The people who sell these products claim they contain "natural hormones" and "hormone like compounds." To many people, suffering from these conditions, this seems like the perfect "medicine" to help them. In most cases these creams are not effective because the product advertised does not contain the hormone claimed. The fact is, there is no progesterone in the wild yams, nor can your body make progesterone from the hormone like compound, diosgenin, in the wild yam. So, why is there such confusion about this?

The reason this misinformation exists is because a few decades ago, wild yams were harvested and purified to produce the intermediate chemical, diosgenin, for progesterone and other hormone production in the lab. An intermediate means that this component of wild yams was reacted with other chemicals, in a laboratory, to make progesterone. People not familiar with this process thought that these wild yams actually contained progesterone. This belief is still persistent today and many unscrupulous business people sell products made from "wild yams" and claim that they can cure or relieve the symptoms of many diseases and medical conditions.

As for natural sources of progesterone, that is a misnomer. Today 99.9% of progesterone is made in a laboratory. However, the synthesised version of natural progesterone is identical to naturally occurring progesterone and is referred to as bio-identical progesterone. The term "synthetic progesterone" is often used to refer to products such as Provera(R), Cycrin(R) which are not identical to progesterone. These synthetic versions have additional chemical groups added to the progesterone molecule, for a number of reasons. These reasons include improved absorption (oral dosage forms) and making the molecule patentable. Today, most bio-identical progesterone is made from soya intermediates.

There is plenty of literature discussing the benefits of hormone replacement therapy, however, many people often confuse "natural and synthetic" as "good and bad." The fact is that bio-identical hormones are available from your doctor, if you specify and state you would prefer to use natural hormones. Just because the progesterone is synthesised in a laboratory does not mean it is synthetic or "bad." The fact is, the natural form of progesterone, unlike the component diosgenin, which is not found in the human body, is better for you, even though it is made in a lab. It could be more dangerous to use a hormone like substance, like diosgenin, that could be harmful to your health.

It is often claimed that natural progesterone has no side effects, however, it is a hormone, and does have a number of side effects that you should be aware of, these include:

  • a feeling of euphoria (based on the amounts used)

  • breast tenderness

  • possible acne upon initial use as body adjusts

  • possible acne upon initial use as body adjusts

  • possible suspension of ovulation if used prior to ovulation

  • possible spotting in women just starting menopause

  • alteration of cycle time

  • may prevent sperm maturation in men when used in excess

  • hives, skin rash, itching

  • increased sensitivity to sunlight

  • nausea and headaches
  • It is always a persons choice as to whether they want hormone replacement therapy or not, but to make that decision on unfounded product information is dangerous and could adversely affect your health. Your doctor can prescribe natural (bio-identical) progesterone if you are not comfortable with the synthetic versions like Provera(R) and Cycrin(R). There are many options for hormone replacement therapy, but make sure you know the facts and avoid wasting your money on products that don't work, or could be harmful.

    Additional Information: Progesterone Monograph

    Darcy S. O'Neil is a chemist with over ten years experience in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. During this time he became a pharmaceutical whistleblower and now spends his time writing about his experiences and advocating for intelligent supplement use.

    Monday, June 16, 2008

    Understanding Endometriosis

    1) Endometriosis (pronounced end-oh-mee- tree-oh-sis)

    Endometrium is the tissue that lines the inside of the womb (uterus). During the menstrual cycle it increases in thickness in preparation for pregnancy and if that does not occur, it is shed off. The bleeding that occurs during the shedding off is what is called as the menses.

    Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrium is also found in other areas of the body, usually within the pelvis. Like normal endometrium, this tissue also responds to hormones secreted by the ovary and is built up and shed off the same way. However unlike the normally sited endometrium, this "internal menses" has no way to get out of the body.

    Over time, this process can lead to the formation of 'chocolate' cysts (brownish fliud-filled sacs) in the ovaries or scar tissue and nodules (bumps) around and on the surface of the pelvic organs. Also, sometimes the internal bleeding from the endometriosis can cause the organs in the pelvis - the urinary bladder, uterus, ovaries, tubes, and the intestines to stick together (adhesions).

    Sometimes, the endometrial tissue can grow in the muscle layer of the wall of the womb. This can result in thickening of the wall of the womb. This condition is called adenomyosis.

    Endometrial deposits can also be found, in or on the bowel and bladder or at sites remote from the pelvis like operation scars and in the lungs.

    Endometriosis is not cancer.

    Why does it occur?

    The cause is unknown but several theories have been put forward.

    The most widely accepted theory is 'retrograde menstruation'. According to this theory, during menses, some of the menstrual blood flows backwards into the pelvis through the fallopian tubes. This menstrual fluid has some endometrial cells which implant on the reproductive organs or other areas in the pelvis. These implanted cells cause endometriosis.

    Symptoms of endometriosis

    The most common symptoms of endometriosis include :

    Painful and or heavy periods

    Painful intercourse


    Other associated symptoms may be: chronic pelvis pain, not related to menses, pre-menstrual spotting.

    Bowel and bladder symptoms

    Pain before, during or after opening bowels

    Bleeding from the bowel especially during menses

    Pain during, before or after passing urine

    Symptoms of an irritable bowel - diarrhea, constipation, colic

    Majority of women with the condition will experience some of these symptoms. However, some women may have no symptoms at all and maybe discovered incidentally.

    The severity of endometriosis does not always correspond to the severity of symptoms.

    How common is Endometriosis?

    It is difficult to have an accurate number. However it is a common condition estimated to affect 20 - 30% of women of the reproductive age group.

    Who does it affect?

    Endometriosis can occur at any time from puberty until the menopause. It is extremely rare, but not unknown for it to be first diagnosed after the menopause.

    How is endometriosis diagnosed?

    Ultrasound scans, blood tests and internal examinations cannot conclusively diagnose endometriosis. The only way to diagnose endometriosis is by laparoscopy. This is an operation in which a telescope (a laparoscope) is inserted into the abdomen through a small cut in the belly button. This allows the surgeon to see the pelvic organs and identify any endometriotic deposits and cysts.


    Unfortunately, as yet there is no cure for the condition. However there are certain medical therapies or surgery which can help.

    The type of treatment used depends on the age of the patient, her desire for future childbearing and the severity of her symptoms.

    Hormonal Treatments

    Medical treatment can be tried for symptom relief. This involves giving drugs to create a reversible pseudo-pregnancy or pseudo-menopause state which can stop ovulation and hence allow the endometrial tissue to regress and die.

    Various drugs used include :

    Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill

    (Side effects include bloatedness, nausea, vomiting, weight gain)

    Testosterone derivatives eg. Danazol, Gestrinone

    (Side effects include acne, change in the voice, increased hair over the body)

    Progestogens eg Provera, Depo-Provera

    (Side effects include bloatedness, weight gain, mood changes, irregular bleeding, and delayed return of fertility esp. with Depo-Provera)

    GnRH analogues - create a pseudo-menopause state. This group of drugs is given in the form of injections or nose sprays and is usually used only for short durations eg. 6 months. Side effects include menopausal symptoms including hot flushes, vaginal dryness and reversible bone loss.


    Conservative surgery aims to remove and destroy the endometriotic nodules and/or cysts. This is usually done by laparoscopy (keyhole surgery) or rarely by an open operation - a laparotomy.

    Removal of the uterus (Hysterectomy) and the ovaries may be necessary to cure women with severe endometriosis and those who have completed child-bearing.

    Sunday, June 15, 2008

    Hormones - Friends or Foes?

    Yesterday was a gift of opposition. After stopping her bio-identical hormone therapy a few years back and now on the verge of menopausal crisis, a former patient returned to my care. Why did she stop her HRT-hormone replacement therapy? Because of the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study which reported an increase risk of cancer in those subjects using "progesterone" with "estrogen".

    First of all let's make it very clear, comparing the hormones used in the WHI study with botanically-derived bio-identical hormones is like comparing apples to oranges.

    The WHI used Premarin derived from pregnant mare's urine as the "estrogen" and Provera, synthetic medroxyprogesterone, as the "progesterone".

    Years ago when WHI first began to study HRT's effectiveness in preventing heart disease, I was asked to by the American Heart Association to be part of a panel of local experts to answer women's questions on the hormones. As a nurse practitioner who had been treating menopausal women for years with natural hormones, I was honored to be part of the medical panel which included cardiologists and endocrinologists, but the WHI researcher was not too thrilled when I began questioning her terminology. I argued that WHI was not using "progesterone" but a synthetic derivative and that the study would show an increase in cardiovascular disease for two reasons:

    1. the hormones were oral which would create havoc in the liver's production of clotting factors (just as oral contraceptives increase the incidence of blood clots) and

    2. not using real progesterone would put the subjects at risk for breast cancer.

    Now what I had to say was not well received, but the cardiologist covertly asked about what I knew. Although I explained, the doctors, too fearful to break away from protocol, continued following the pharmaceutical sponsored protocols until...the study was stopped. Why? Because the subjects had significant increases in...

    1. blood clots leading to stroke and heart attack

    2. and breast cancer especially in the subjects that were given Provera.

    Guess what? The endocrinologist on that panel is now using natural hormones.

    How many women must suffer before health care providers make the switch to alternative therapies?

    Needless to say, my former patient gladly went back on bio-identical hormones. I also recommended Genesis Gold(R) to help metabolize the hormones as safely as possible and to balance adrenal, thyroid, and hypothalamic function as well as glucose metabolism. Finally I counseled her on nutritional and lifestyle changes to encourage healthier body composition and promote safer estrogen metabolism.

    The WHI study researched the effects of Premarin and Provera on cardiovascular disease in menopausal women and closed down because they erroneously determined that using hormone replacement therapy over five years increased the risk of cardiovascular disease and breast cancer. Why is this an erroneous assumption? Because lumping all HRT including bio-identical estrogen and progesterone with Premarin and Provera use is like saying that eating fruit causes cavities because it has "sugar" in it!

    Most of what we know about hormones is based on the oldest pharmaceutical-Premarin-which is in fact equine estrones-the bio-waste of pregnant mare estrogen metabolism. Humans convert Premarin primarily into 4OH estrone, one of the most toxic forms of estrogen.

    I will illustrate estrogen types and their metabolism in detail, but first let's examine the "progesterone" used in the WHI study. They used Provera a synthetically derived progestin. Yes, its chemical name is medroxyprogesterone named by its inventor-not natural, but man-made. What's the problem with Provera? Well, progesterone is a 21 carbon molecule, one of the largest steroid hormones. Don't let the word steroid alarm you. All hormones that are made up by sterols (cholesterol) are called steroids. That includes naturally occurring 21 carbon pregnenelone, 19 carbon DHEA and Testosterone, and 17 carbon estrogen and cortisol.

    Medroxyprogesterone or Provera-a 19 carbon molecule-is more closely related to Testosterone than 21 carbon progesterone. In fact the side effects of Provera are androgen related (male hormone)....elevated cholesterol and mid-line weight gain. Yes, Provera reverses estrogenic effects on the uterine lining to prevent hyperplasia or uterine cancer, but guess what? So does natural progesterone!

    What man-made Provera cannot do, that progesterone was created by nature to do, is protect against estrogen fed cancers. Think of estrogen as fertilizer feeding both the roses and the weeds. If estrogen fertilizes or promotes cell growth, than progesterone is like the gardener which picks the weeds and leaves the flowers. Progesterone turns on a very handy gene called P53 which is the cell death gene. It tells the cells when they have out lived their welcome, like breast cells or uterine cells that grow in preparation for a potential pregnancy. At the end of a menstrual cycle if the woman is not pregnant those cells, under the influence of progesterone, deteriorate (in the breast) or slough off (menstruation).

    You see Mother Nature has it all figured out.

    Now let's go back to Premarin. Why would our bodies convert equine estrones into the most dangerous kind of estrogen? Because Premarin is the waste product of horse estrogen metabolism and our human livers can do nothing else with it. Garbage in, garbage out.

    Now estrogens are not all created equally. The human ovary produces estradiol (known as E2 because it was discovered after estrone or E1). Estradiol is a powerful growth promoting hormone. It nourishes blood vessels, nerves, skin, hair, nails, lining of the gut as well as promotes Female secondary sexual characteristics like breast development and wider hips than men, and enriches the uterine lining for potential pregnancy. Studies have shown that estradiol stimulates the thymus to promote proper immune programming so that reproductive women produce sufficient antibodies to pass on to their offspring.

    Since estradiol is short-lived, the body has a back up system of enzymes in the fat cells that can convert estradiol to long acting estrone. Now there are three main types of estrone named by which carbon molecule carries a hydroxyl molecule.

    - 2OH estrone is the safest form made in great quantities in young women of healthy body weight. The enzyme that promotes 2OH estrone conversion uses the micronutrients found in flax soy, fatty fish, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts).

    - 16OH estrone is inflammatory and has been associated with breast and gynecological cancers. Overweight women, sedentary women, women who drink too much alcohol or who have been exposed to xenoestrogens (man-made estrogenic toxins like DDT) and certain drugs like cimetidine make too much of this dangerous estrogen. 16OH estrone can be converted to estriol.

    - 4OH estrone, the most volatile of the three, is associated with the most aggressive forms of breast and ovarian cancer. All the factors that influence 16OH conversion affect 4OH especially age.

    Estriol-the pregnancy hormone is the third estrogen and seems to be the least inflammatory and the most nourishing to vaginal and urethral tissues. Estriol is my favorite bio-identical used topically to make a dry atrophic vagina lush.

    Unfortunately, getting older increases poor estrogen metabolism, which is why I do not agree with high dose hormone replacement. The levels of hormones produced by young women are safe for them because they have the means to safely metabolize the hormones. Most older women do not have the means to metabolism the hormones safely. Although they can take lots of IC3 indoles (the active ingredient in cruciferous vegetables) and lots of EPA (fish oils), keep their weight down and drink alcohol in moderation, I believe reversing age related metabolic enzyme activity takes a multi-pronged approach.

    A holistic approach to hormone replacement therapy includes complete neuro-immune-endocrine and metabolic evaluation. Functional medicine testing is available to assess genetic and metabolic capabilities of an individual. There is no one size fit all prescription for hormone replacement or anti-aging therapies.

    Deborah Maragopoulos MN APRN, BC FNP is a holistic family nurse practitioner, author of LoveDance: Awakening the Divine Daughter, founder of DMAR Pyramid of Health(TM), and creator of Genesis Gold(R).

    Saturday, June 14, 2008

    Contraception with the Pill and Travel

    Not many babies are born when their parents are on vacation, but many babies are conceived when their parents are out of town. Any kind of contraception, but especially the Pill, requires planning ahead before traveling abroad.

    Women who take a progesterone-only "mini-Pill" because they are nursing or because they want to lower the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) on a flight need to be especially aware of the Seven Day Rule:

    If a Pill is more than three hours late, pregnancy is possible for the next seven days.

    Progesterone-only Pills have to be taken on a strict schedule, adjusted for the time zones crossed. For instance, if a woman who lives in Seattle usually takes her Pill at noon and she flies to Hong Kong (nine time zones west), she still has to take the Pill at noon Seattle time, which in Hong Kong is 3 a.m. (The calendar date doesn't make a difference.)

    Combined estrogen and progesterone contraceptives allow a little more leeway. Women should follow package instructions, or the Twelve Hour Rule:

    If you are less than twelve hours late taking the Pill (on your home time), take the delayed pill at once, and then return to your normal schedule the next day at your new location. A woman from Seattle who usually takes her combination Pill at noon in Seattle can also take it at noon in Hong Kong. That's because there's only nine hours time difference. She still has to take it at noon Seattle time on the flight. For this purpose, it's helpful to have a watch on home time.

    If you are more than twelve hours late taking the pill, however, the same Seven Day Rule kicks in.

    If you are more than twelve hours late (by your home clock) with your daily Pill, take the most recently delayed pill at once, continue the rest of the package, and abstain from intercourse (or use other methods of contraception) for the next seven days. If there are more than seven pills left in the package, continue your normal schedule, taking a seven-day break when you finish the package. If there are fewer than seven pills in the package, be sure to take the Pill for at least the next seven days, breaking open a new package, and taking your seven-day break at least seven days after the last skipped pill.

    Of course, even if you are keeping track of time, there can be other problems.

    If you experience vomiting less than three hours after taking the Pill, take a replacement pill from a spare packet. If the replacement pill doesn't stay down, either, follow the same rules as for a missed pill, above. Diarrhea usually will not interfere with absorption of contraceptives unless it is very severe. If there is severe diarrhea within eight hours of taking the pill, however, follow the "seven-day rule" as above. And if you take the antibiotic Doxycycline, the effectiveness of the combined estrogen-progesterone Pill can be diminished for up to three weeks.

    Injectable contraceptives (Depo-Provera, Noristerat) aren't affected by time zones or gastic upset. As birth control Depo-Provera is a more reliable method during international travel.

    Robert Rister has also written on whether the rhythm method works on vacation at his Savvy Natural Healer website.

    Thursday, June 12, 2008

    Do Birth Control Pills Cause Weight Gain And Fluid Retention?

    Many women who are taking birth control pills are very happy to avoid unintended pregnancy but are blaming oral contraceptives for weight gain and fluid retention at the same time. Well, it is the undeniable fact that pills do cause weight problems in some women but not necessarily be the prime cause for all women.

    The recent studies taken on low-dose (low estrogen) pills have indicated the nominal change. Additional few pounds while taking pills could be possible in few but not necessarily be at alarming situation. Analysts have pointed out that 5-10% women adding few pounds while they are taking pills but there is similar number of women who are gaining weight but not on pills at all. Weight gain could be due to fluid retention in the body (occurs other than the pills) and fat deposition.

    How much weight gain could be possible on birth control pills?

    It is usually argued that oral contraceptives, specially higher dose of estrogen pills (more than 30 mcgm), cause more weight than birth control injection like Depo Provera. Studies have revealed that women using high dose pills tend to gain 5.3 lb in a year compared to women who are taking Depo Provera as contraception and gaining 6.6 lb (2.2 kg) in a year's time. However, analysts have further found that only 7% women who were taking pills got more than 10% of they body weight. But women who were taking shots for Depo Provera, 25% of them gained more than 10% of their body weight. If you compare 5.3 lb weight due to pills with 6.6 lb weight gained due to birth control injection, you will notice that not only women who are on birth control pills get lesser weight in a year than birth control injection method but also at lesser risk of weight gain.

    Moreover, most of the recent studies on lower estrogen hormone based pills (30 mcgm or less) have shown weight loss or no change, if continued to take for a year.

    But birth control pills may cause fluid retention, isn't it true?

    It can not be denied that pills containing high doses of estrogen may cause fluid retention in the body, specially if the pill has 50 mcgm estrogen or more. How it happens? Well, high doses of estrogen stimulate kidney-substances like renin-angiotensin, which is responsible for water retention that again causes sodium (salt) retention that ultimately causes the weight gain. Studies on different levels of estrogen based pills revealed that pills having less than 20 mcgm estrogen reduce weight, 30 mcgm pills make no difference in the weight or nominal loss of weight whereas 50 mcgm pills cause fluid retention and weight gain.

    If you are on birth control pill and experiencing more than 5% of your body weight gain in a year, it may be due to your body's reaction to insulin resistance or abnormal glucose metabolism. You need to consult your healthcare professional to adopt low carbohydrate diet because high amount of sugar in any meal will offset your weight control efforts.

    Besides, low estrogen, what other types of birth control pills can affect on weight?The combined pills containing desogestrel type of progestin and low dose of estrogen would cause very little weight gain compared to the pills containing norethindrone (like Ortho Novum 7/7/7(R)). This is possibly due to specific progestin mainly due to lesser insulin resistance. Low estrogen can be found in the birth control pills like Alesse, Loestrin Fe, Mircette etc. If you are experiencing weight gain or fluid retention symptoms from your present oral contraceptives, you can consult your healthcare professional or doctor to know which birth control pills are suitable for you.

    You may also visit at to look at the comparative study of the different level of hormones used in various birth control pills. The above article is for general information on weight gain and fluid retention problems associated with birth control pills and should not be taken as medical advice. If it is so, please consult your doctor or physician for treatment purpose.

    Linda Crowford is an author for many successful articles and ebooks written on women's health, birth control pills, birth control birth control, pregnancy issues and human relationship. Please visit the site to know various birth control pills, birth control methods and options are available for today's women.

    Wednesday, June 11, 2008


    It is a common perception among women that oral contraceptives are associated with weight gain. However, Norplant and Depo-Provera are the only hormonal contraceptives that include specific statements that the expected change in weight is an increase, while the other contraceptives describe that there may be an increase or decrease in weight as a result of this drug. Since more than one million women used Depo-Provera and greater than 500,000 used Norplant, it is important to determine whether the use of these drugs can be expected to promote weight in women.

    A group of researchers from Pennsylvania State University studied whether the use of progestational contraceptives caused an imbalance in energy regulation that lead to weight gain. Specifically, Pelkman et al. examined whether depot medroxy-progesterone acetate was associated with an increase in food intake or a decrease in resting energy expenditure (REE) in young women.

    Body weight, REE, and 3-day food intake were measured in 20 normal-weight women during the follicular and luteal phases of two menstrual cycles. These measurements were taken either before a single injection of Depo-Provera or saline solution (control). The subjects were in the testing laboratory for four days. They consumed only foods and beverages that were provided during the first three days and were weighed in the morning on the first and fourth days; REE was measured before breakfast on the first day of each test session by indirect calorimetry.

    Subjects consumed 4.3% more energy and expended 4.3% more energy at rest during the luteal phase as compared to the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Treatment with Depo-Provera or depot medroxyprogesterone acetate had no significant effect on food intake, body weight, or REE over the three-month testing period.

    This experiment showed that although this phase of the menstrual cycle affected both energy intake and REE, Depo-Provera did not cause any short-term weight gain in young healthy, normal-weight women. Further research is needed to determine whether similar effects occur with different contraceptive hormones, over longer periods of time, and in other populations, such as overweight or obese women.

    Supplements for Fitness & Energy
    (WobEnzym N)

    Tuesday, June 10, 2008

    Go for Depo Provera Detox and You Will Love it

    Many tragic incidents have been quoted about the women who received a progesterone shot known as Depo Provera detox for birth control. This synthetic progesterone was made available in the market in the early nineteen nineties. One injection was effective for three months. It acted in two different ways; firstly it suppressed ovulation i.e. release of egg from the ovary of the recipient women. Secondly it acted by increasing the viscosity of the mucus present in the cervix so as to block the passage of sperm through the cervix, up to the uterus and to the fallopian tubes.

    It soon lost the favors as the undesired effects became more and more noticeable. Some of the unwanted effects are abnormal weight gain, flaring up of acne and some other skin lesions and loss of scalp hair further lead to psychiatric problems that included undesired mood changes such as irritability, paranoid symptoms and mood sinking culminating in depressive illness.

    Some ladies were wise to stop using this method of birth control on noticing the unwanted effects. But the progesterone that had already entered the body was to stay there. Also some effects were such, as could not be reversed even after the stoppage of injections.

    Scope for Depo Provera Detox:

    Depo Provera Detox is a specially designed detox program for the unfortunate victims who have received this synthetic hormone and want to get rid of the continuing harmful effects.

    What is a Depo Provera Detox?

    Depo Provera Detox plan consists of the following

    a) Liberal water intake. This is an important component of all diet detox programs especially Depo Provera Detox.

    b) Consuming fresh vegetables and fruits and their juices

    c) Taking herbal teas that cleanse the body

    d) A sauna session and physical exercise in fresh air

    All these things will help in renewing the body vigor and energy and one would be able to live a better natural life.

    When to start Depo Provera Detox:

    Depo Provera Detox should be done after giving sometime to the body for its own natural healing. Depo Provera Detox should be considered as an air to the body's natural revitalizing mechanisms. Depo Provera Detox may also be aided by acupuncture and acupressure to stimulate the adrenal glands of the body. It should be remembered that those women who have received the hormone for longer periods need to undergo detoxification diets like Depo Provera Detox for longer time.

    Avoid in Future

    Fiddling with natural mechanism of body always result in disaster in both sexes. One should avoid inflicting the body with the synthetic stuff available in the market and always go with the nature. In most of the cases deviating from the nature by use of Depo Provera victims is sure.

    You can also find more info on detox diet and colon detox. is a comprehensive resource to know how to get best health diets.